Friday, September 5, 2008


Haven't been here as often as I would like to be. It does appear that time is a big factor in my life right now. Never enough of it. Probably I am wasting a lot of time thinking I am accomplishing great things.

So when this came across my desk this morning, I thought I would share it because I can't be the only person wanting more than 24 hours a day. :)


Everyday you make an investment of your time in your chosen activities.
You cannot save time for later use.
You have to use it as it comes.
And you only have 24 hours to each day.

Try to get the most out of the time you have.
Focus your efforts on doing those things that will have the most significant impact on your life and your work.
Do the important things first and stay focused on them until they are done.

Nothing makes you more effective than your ability to stay focused.
Challenge yourself to stay focused.
You'll be amazed at how much you'll get done, when you actually work the whole time you're working.

Your time is precious and cannot be replaced.
Use it effectively with focus and get things done.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.
Copyright 2008

One thing that will save me time is our brand new website. It is finally user friendly!! Have you seen in yet? My new site is Check it out!

Next blog I want to talk about Sun Damage and how it can be reversed. VEry Exciting!

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