Sunday, September 21, 2008

History of the Tan!

Before 1930 tanned skin represented the working class people and you did not want to be associated in that category. The whiter the skin the better!! In fact, at one time women took arsenic which made them become anemic and therefore very pale. Wow! Talk about extremes!!

In 1930 bathing suits covered almost everything. Maybe a little knee showed now and then. But Coco Channel changed everything - by accident. She was the fashion icon. She had been on a yacht for several days and had inadvertently gotten too much sun on her face. When she stepped off the yacht, the paparazzi were there to capture a tanned face. So began the search to get the perfect tan.

Bathing suits shrank and no longer was the tan associated with the working class. Now it represented the leisure of the wealthy class. As suits got smaller and smaller, skin cancer increased.

There is no such thing as a healthy tan. The uva rays penetrate deep and cause damage that can't be seen for years but is just lurking there ready to come out. I have a tool that can show you the damage that is under the skin. It's not what you see - but what you don't see. What you can see is just the tip of the iceberg!

Good News - Rodan and Fields Dermatologists has a regimen that REVERSES the damage caused by the sun. It is called.....drumbeat......REVERSE! (Imagine that) and it WORKS.
Check it out at my website or email me at and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

I really want to help you, because it has helped me so much and I believe in "paying it forward".

Thursday, September 18, 2008

THoughts on the Economy

I received this article today from David Neagle and it really made me think. What the media is telling me does not have to be my reality. I can see it completely different.

Here's the article:

What Do YOU See?

David NeagleWhen THEY say the economy is bad, it's up to you to determine if that will affect your outcome and your life. If you see easy times and wealth, they will be yours. If you let others control what you think, you become a slave to their false beliefs.

One of my favorite authors is U.S. Andersen and I want to share with you something he wrote in 1961. This rings so true for us each day of our lives - the beautiful truth it contains will transform your life... if you will let it.

What do you see, even when people of authority tell you what they want you to see?

"It is an established fact that a half dozen people can stand on a street corner and each see things that are imperceptible to the others because of the different qualities of their consciousness. One person might be a realtor and be primarily concerned with the value of a vacant lot. Another might be a doctor and be preoccupied with the erratic gate of a pedestrian. Another might be an advertising person with their attention focused on a vacant billboard atop the drugstore. Still another might be and old lady concerned with the speed of the traffic. There might be an automobile salesman whose attention is riveted upon the new model of a competitor. There might be a contractor who observes that the drugstore needs painting.

Such a list is endless. Because of the infinite variety of the human species, it would surely be impossible for any two people out of any number of combinations to see exactly the same things on the same street corner. What we see is the result of our consciousness. We see only that which we are.

There is no liberation from this fact. It is the basic law of existence. It can be used to restrict consciousness or it can be used to expand consciousness, but work it must, and always. By using it, and we cannot help using it, we either shrivel our souls or expand them, there is no in-between. We are cursed or blessed from within, and upon the judgment seat sits our ego, a false judge to be sure, an illusion to begin with. When we subordinate ego to spirit, then we are able to expand consciousness and increase awareness, to fully use the law of growth and power. But as long as the ego remains king, that long will we be slaves to a tyrant which imprisons our consciousness within narrow boundaries."

Remember nothing has to be as THEY tell you it is. THAT reality doesn't have to be YOUR reality.... It doesn't have to be YOUR life.

I for one will choose my own reality. I see people needing and wanting the help I can give them with the Rodan and Fields skincare lines. I see them lining up in front of me wanting the gift I have to give them. Whether it be product or the great business opportunity. I see Success and growth. I see a great future!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Haven't been here as often as I would like to be. It does appear that time is a big factor in my life right now. Never enough of it. Probably I am wasting a lot of time thinking I am accomplishing great things.

So when this came across my desk this morning, I thought I would share it because I can't be the only person wanting more than 24 hours a day. :)


Everyday you make an investment of your time in your chosen activities.
You cannot save time for later use.
You have to use it as it comes.
And you only have 24 hours to each day.

Try to get the most out of the time you have.
Focus your efforts on doing those things that will have the most significant impact on your life and your work.
Do the important things first and stay focused on them until they are done.

Nothing makes you more effective than your ability to stay focused.
Challenge yourself to stay focused.
You'll be amazed at how much you'll get done, when you actually work the whole time you're working.

Your time is precious and cannot be replaced.
Use it effectively with focus and get things done.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.
Copyright 2008

One thing that will save me time is our brand new website. It is finally user friendly!! Have you seen in yet? My new site is Check it out!

Next blog I want to talk about Sun Damage and how it can be reversed. VEry Exciting!