Monday, August 18, 2008


Since my birthday was just past, I have spent moments pondering time and where it is has gone. Also I have been reviewing how much time I waste instead of doing my business. Then this morning this came across my desk and I thought Wow!


Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time, it's basically a problem of priorities.

Most people leave undone those things that should be done, while they do things that they shouldn't be doing.

Set priorities for your goals.
A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.
Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.

Is what your doing getting you closer to your objectives?
Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.
Copyright 2008

So I hope both you and I will re-examine our goals and priorities both in business and in life.
I know I will.

In the future I will be using this blog to increase your knowledge of skincare concerns. So keep in touch.


Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is the face of 60. Wow! Where did the years go? I really don't feel any older than 35! And how about that skin? Smooth, and even. My secret? Rodan and Fields Dermatologist Skincare Lines. So glad I was introduced to them.

Tip: Want to get less wrinkles? Learn to sleep on your back. When you sleep on your stomach or side those creases become wrinkles!

Tip: for staying young - dance, dance, dance and stay active.

So I guess I'll get use to saying I'm "60" and be proud of it.
Age is relevant. It is the spirit that is your true age.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting closer

Tomorrow is the day. I turn 60. Kinda scary. Can't figure out where all those years went.
But the good news...when I look in the mirror I do not see an old face staring back. Thanks to Rodan and Fields my skin looks great.

The brown mask I've had for years because of 12 years of Estogen Replacement Therapy and Sun,called melasma IS TOTALLY GONE!! My skin is brighter, tighter, younger and the compliments I continuously get is gratifying.

Whatever your skincare concern, I can help you look your best too.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

You don't exist for yourself

Received this today and thought it worthwhile to post here.


Your success depends on the support of other people.
The only hurdle between you and what you want to be, is the support of others.

Put yourself in another's place,
and you'll know why they think and do certain things.
You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.

Always think in terms of what the other person wants.
You'll get everything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want.
Doing things for others always pays dividends.

You're not an isolated island.
You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe.
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too.
Copyright 2008

If I can help you with a skin problem or raise you up emotionally, I would be blessed.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Day

The first day of my new blog. How exciting!! As I awoke this morning and looked in the mirror, although getting skin has never looked so good. Hooray!